Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Texture of Relaxation

Rest is something our culture does not do well. It seems that we are swept along on a current of activity - all of which is important - until we either hurt or break. Even the way we play does not allow for rest. This seems true of children and adults alike. After school kids are off to soccer practice, music lessons, drama club, and or a ‘play date’. After practice or the game they come home, have dinner, practice an instrument or work on lines for the play, do homework, and get ready for the next day. By the time homework is done it's time for bed. Down time, if there is any, is in front of the TV. Parents race home from work to get their children to each of their different activities at different locations, make dinner while the kids work on the homework, and then get ready for the next day. If you're a teacher or in business, you probably bring work home with you; this you do during your "down" time. Where is the family quiet time where you discuss your day, tell stories, laugh, bond, and connect as a family?

My husband Steve and I were on vacation several weeks ago and we were exhausted and in need of this vacation; our pace being no different than the average American living in Los Angeles. We went up to Oregon to drink in the gorgeous nature along the Columbia River. We stayed at a beautiful Bed & Breakfast in the valley of Mt. Hood. The air was cool, fresh, and crisp. The foliage shimmered in vibrant hues of red, yellow, and orange. Waterfalls and rivers were in abundance. Trees were numerous, crowds were limited, and traffic noises were barely existent. In that environment I experienced myself decompress dramatically. So significant was the decompression that the following poem exhaled with all my tensions.

by Susan Skommesa

The absence of the rat-race startles me
Stillness infiltrates every fiber of my being
Surprisingly, the stillness is teaming with life.
Trees whisper their dance across my attention
A tender cool breeze tickles my skin
Scented vibrant air pulls up deep releasing breaths from my core
A symphony orchestrated by a variety of birds siphons off my tension
The majestic rise of mountains refires my creativity
Delightful creatures all around hold my curiosity
And by the end of the day...
As a swash of brilliant stars consumes the night sky
The chains of the city release their hold

May you and your family  find a way to drink in peace each day!


Copyright 2009 Susan Skommesa. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Contentment is a treasure. It's a warm sensation that spreads outward from the core. It causes you to breathe deeply from the well of gratitude. It inspires stillness. It causes a gentle smile to spread across the face. It inspires the mind to say: "Today is a good day". It makes you want to linger in the moment. It opens the gates of appreciation. Contentment is the gangplank onto a storm-ready ship. God said: "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). Inviting contentment invites stillness. Inviting stillness opens us to God. To be still with God is to know God. To know God is to be in the ship that safely carries us through life's storms.

May you navigate the storms of your life as you rest in contentment, through the one who protects and provides.


Copyright 2009 Susan Skommesa. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Monitor

The moment I put the pen to the page I can feel THE MONITOR turn on. You know who the monitor is. Yes you do. That's the voice, the power, the force, that can stop the pen from flowing. Just watching the pen race across the page is an awesome and delightful thing. But THE MONITOR slows the pen down, picks from the thoughts available, and opens a mental dictionary to choose the right word. THE MONITOR sacrifices creativity on the altar of perfectionism, in a demanding voice, with a demanding standard of performance. Don't you want to find the switch that shuts THE MONITOR off? Don't you want to demand silence? Don't you want to let the images, thoughts, and desires that fill the mind and heart, tumble down into the pen? It's magnificent just to watch the pen flow across the page; to know that the words forming are like a reflecting pool that gives me a glimpse into the deepest recess of my heart.

Perhaps someday THE MONITOR will be a partner rather than an adversary.


Copyright 2009 Susan Skommesa. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Welcome To My Blog

Hello world! This is my first experience with Blogging. Oh how fun this is! WELCOME TO MY BLOG!

The purpose of this blog is to learn about blogging while I share from my observations, interests, concerns, poetry, Faith, life experiences, and any number of my many passions. I could talk about healthy living, walking with God, hope, music, books, or crafts. I love watching things grow and could talk about my gardens: growing vegetables, plants, and fruit trees. I love animals and may want to talk about animals who are my friends, like Sasha. You'll like her. I can't wait to introduce her to you. I may want to share my poetry, stories, a sermon, or spiritual thought with you. Since I love knitting, crocheting, and bead work, those subjects may arise, as well as astronomy. I have a 10 inch Dobsonian telescope and can see many wonders in the night sky. I am of French and Native American (Northern Piegan of the Blackfoot People) heritage and love to share from both.

So as you can see, there will be much to draw from. Pull up a chair and get comfortable. I hope you enjoy your stay while you are here, and will return to visit me often.


Copyright 2009 Susan Skommesa. All Rights Reserved.